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نحن من الشركات الرائدة عالميًا في تصنيع الرافعات وتقديم الخدمات في جميع أنحاء العالم. لتلبية مجموعة متنوعة من التطبيقات الصناعية، تقدم Eurohoist مجموعة واسعة من حلول الرفع. تشمل المنتجات الرئيسية لشركتنا الرافعات الصناعية، الرافعات البوابة، الرافعات الكهربائية باستخدام أسلاك الحبال، الرافعات الكهربائية بسلاسل، الرافعات الجيبية، وغيرها من المعدات الخاصة بنقل البضائع الخاصة. بفضل خبرتنا الواسعة في مجال الرافعات والتطوير المستمر للمنتجات، يمكننا تقديم العديد من الميزات لعملائنا، مثل: الوزن الخفيف، المسافة الرأسية المنخفضة، السلامة، الاعتمادية، الأداء الممتاز، والكفاءة في التشغيل، مما يتيح التغلب على ظروف العمل المعقدة والصعبة. ستؤدي هذه الميزات إلى تحقيق مجموعة من النتائج المرغوبة للمستخدمين مثل تقليل استثمار المصنع، تحسين كفاءة الإنتاج، تقليل الصيانة اليومية، خفض استهلاك الطاقة، وتحقيق عائد استثماري أفضل.




Jiuli Special Materials Leads the Industry with Full Automation: A Success Story with Eurohoist's Intelligent Cranes

  • Categories:NEWS
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  • Time of issue:2024-09-02 10:15:15
  • Views:21

(Summary description)Jiuli Special Materials Leads the Industry with Full Automation: A Success Story with Eurohoist's Intelligent CranesJiuli Special Materials Co., Ltd., located on the southern shore of Taihu Lake in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, at the heart of the beautiful Yangtze River Delta, is a publicly listed

Jiuli Special Materials Leads the Industry with Full Automation: A Success Story with Eurohoist's Intelligent Cranes

(Summary description)Jiuli Special Materials Leads the Industry with Full Automation: A Success Story with Eurohoist's Intelligent CranesJiuli Special Materials Co., Ltd., located on the southern shore of Taihu Lake in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, at the heart of the beautiful Yangtze River Delta, is a publicly listed

  • Categories:NEWS
  • Author:超级管理员
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2024-09-02 10:15:15
  • Views:21

Jiuli Special Materials Leads the Industry with Full Automation: A Success Story with Eurohoist's Intelligent Cranes

Jiuli Special Materials Co., Ltd., located on the southern shore of Taihu Lake in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, at the heart of the beautiful Yangtze River Delta, is a publicly listed company specializing in the production of industrial stainless steel and special alloy pipes, bimetallic composite pipes, and pipe fittings.

Excitingly, Jiuli Special Materials is leading the industry by launching a fully automated stainless steel pickling workshop, setting a new standard for automation. To achieve this goal, Jiuli signed a crane procurement contract with Eurohoist in 2019, bringing in 10 fully automated intelligent cranes. These cranes have significantly enhanced the efficiency of their fully automated production line.

The cranes are equipped with advanced automation technology, capable of completing complex tasks without manual intervention, thereby greatly improving production efficiency and product quality. Following extensive initial discussions and Eurohoist's comprehensive lifecycle service, Jiuli successfully completed the full automation commissioning in August 2020, and passed the acceptance inspection smoothly in September!

With its advanced technology, high productivity, and exceptional product quality, Jiuli Special Materials has emerged as an industry leader. 

If you are looking for high-quality industrial stainless steel and special alloy pipes, bimetallic composite pipes, and pipe fittings, Jiuli Special Materials is a choice you cannot afford to miss.

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